I slept well last night and woke up close to 5ish. We had feed water park, she peed. Then got ready and had free time until breakfast. Breakfast was oatmeal, toast, sausage, orange juice and coke. Then I had more free time until around 9:15. Then we loaded upa nd went to CVS. I got a couple snacks, and we came back. Now Ellie is at the vet for her ears and I'm trying to not mentally freak out, since the last time I had a dog go to the vet here, I lost that dog shortly thereafter. I know its a different situation, but I'm scared. Ellie is back, and the vet said they want to schedule her for an ear wash to get that junk out of her ear but otherwise she's fine. Yay. Lunch was jumbaliah, and coke for me. Now we have free time until its time to load up for the creamery. We went at 1:45 and loaded up for the creamery. She was also given her preprocedure meds at that time. We got there and I had a scoop of cake batter, and a scoop of chocolate. Then we drove back, and now she's at the vet to have her ears washed out and then meds put in. She came back very quickly and seemed fine after the procedure, a bit wet around the ear, but overall fine. Then we had feed water park, she peed. Dinner was breaded chicken, rice, broccoli, a breaded chicken sandwich, an egg roll, and coke for me. Yes, I was super hungry. Now I just have free time until 8 o'clock park.