I slept well last night. I woke up around 5, and got ready. Then had feed water park, she peed. Then I worked on my Introduction to Cyber Security course while waiting for breakfast. Breakfast was toast, hashbrowns, bacon, orange juice, and coke. Then we headed out on the 8 AM trip and went down to the DTC. Then we walked down to the Morris Frank and Buddy statue, took some pictures, and walked back. It was a nice trip. It got rather hot near the end and we had to rework a crossing because she wanted to cut it short since she knows where the DTC is, but it was a great trip. Came back and had a little free time, and then had water park, she peed, and then more free time until lunch. Lunch was very interesting it was some kind of sausages I can't spell, and these dumpling things filled with mashed potatoes and cheese, and sour crout, and coke, and an icecream sundae. Then we went to the pet store. Ellie ended up with a purple dinosaur and a name tag. Then we came back to drop the others off for the vet, and we went and got our country trip out of the way. She did great. Now we have a little free time until feed water park. We had feed water park, and she peed. Dinner was herb roasted pork with gravy, some kind of rice I wasn't super a fan of, some stuff that resembles broccoli, rolls, and coke. Then we had the dog interfeerence lecture. Then I took a bath and its almost water park time.