I slept well last night going to bed aroun 8:30, and waking up at 5:27. Got up and parked her, she peed, and got her heartworm pill, then fed and watered her. Then I got dressed. This morning we're going into the city for my 2nd time ever, first time with her, first time riding the subway, first time going to time square, its going to be fun! Breakfast was oatmeal with brown sugar and raisens, toast, orange juice and coke. Now we have a bit of free time until JT gets back at 8:45 so we can head into the city. At a bit after 8:45 JT called us and we went out and parked, she peed. Then we drove into the city with Jeff L, Erin, Sean, Brian, and JT. We parked at the top of the port authority, rode an elevator down, then some escalators, then some stairs to the subway level. Then we took the C line from 42nd and 8th to 59th and 8th. Then we walked to 45th and 8th, turned and went to 45th and 9th, and had lunch at 5 knapkins. I had a cheeseburger, fries, and coke. Then we walked back to 41st and 8th, and got the van back to the house. Then I took a bath, and now we have free time until feed water park. I also get the rest of my new harness this afternoon. We had feed water park, she peed. Dinner was steak, baked potato, and coke. Then we had the clicker lecture with Lucas. Then water park, she did both.