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Journey to a Seeing Eye dog

I slept okay until I didn't. I woke up at like 12:30 and could not get back to sleep but I feel okay. Hung out with Derek for a while, then park, she peed, feed, water at 5:30. Then just relaxed til breakfast. Breakfast was ham, eggs, orange juice and coke. Then we loaded up for the DTC. Did our first modified Elm Street route this morning. So left out of the alley, to Deheart, then left, to south, cross south with the APS, then right to Pine, then right at the mid block crossing, then cross South with the APS, then right to cross Miller, then Community, Then Deheart, then left to Maple, then right to mid block and right into the DTC. We did great. Then came back on the shuttle and now my Walmart order is here with snacks and drinks. The walmart order got a little confused but got sorted out eventually. As I work with Ellie, I realize more and more why I love goldens. Her memory for places she's been is crazy. She's shown me all the coffee shops JT hit up, his Taco place, etc. Her memory for where home is, is the same. I do something 1 time, and she remembers where it is, and shows it to me next time. Only having had 1 golden before which I only had for not even a week really, I now see why I love them. I love the goofy personality, the closeness, the bond, the memory, just, all of it. Ugh, I wish the merchandise sale was after Thursday.. I get paid monday and I'd love to get a pen, a lanyard, a keychain, but all that would be like $11 or so and I'm already overdrawn. Ugh. Oh well. Maybe nextime. Then we had water park, she did both, then some free time, then did some clicker work on my chair in the dining room. Things are coming together, I got the official approval for my apartment today, so its just figuring out financial stuff, furnature, household stuff, etc. but things are coming together. Some truely wonderful people are offering help, which I feel awful for needing or accepting, but I know I need the help. I am more than greatful and pray the Lord gives me the oppurtunity to help someone else the way all these people are helping me. Then we had lunch. I had coke, an italian sub, and chips. After lunch we had park time, she peed, and then we went to Shopright. They have a bar inside the store, so we hung out in the bar. We then went and bought a 6 pack of coke, some ice pops and I got a 20 oz Dr. Pepper. She did really well when I was directing her, at following, and with the cart. Then we came back, and hung out for a little bit. Then it was feed water park, she just peed. Dinner was some kind of stuffed peppers which I hadn't had before but were fairly good, bread, and coke. Then we had the vet lecture, then I took a bath, then water park, and bed.