I went to bed a bit earlier last night and slept fairly well. Woke up at 4:30 to a certain golden demanding pets and a neck massage, and that's okay with me. So I got dressed and then we had park, feed, water. She peed. Then I came back in and spent some time checking email and praying and such. My foot actually feels a lot better, who knows after South Street today, but we have the afternoon off so I'm not worried. I forgot to mention yesterday that we changed our seats at lunch time. I was originally at the first table on the left at the first chair, which is funny, because that's the same chair I started in when I trained with Garbo. We moved to the back dining room, the terrace dining room, and we're at the far back left table, and my chair is the last on the right of the table. Breakfast was scrambled eggs, ham, toast, scones, orange juice and coke. Then we loaded up and were first on our solo today which went great. I'm feeling like I can trust her more that she will make the correct judgements, especially in lateral movements, something that is hard for me because of my fear of falls and such. We then road back with Ruthanne. I also found out if allowed, she will munch tissues, which is weird, because she doesn't bother the toilet paper, but she did try to much Ruthanne's tissues, and Ruthanne was like what happened, then she looked back and goes oh, a cute golden happened and laughed. These dogs are still dogs, and no dog is perfect, but I am well pleased with her. Came back and just have time to relax. Its going to be a pretty lazy day I think which I'm greatful for, though I do wish desperately for more bottled coke, and hair ties or something to pull my hair back, ugh. Then it was water park, she peed. Then we had a meeting with Jeff about traffic checks and how retrains need to be mindful of different things like using the handel to direct the dog, etc. Then lunch which was coke, french bread with garlic and butter, linguini, with beef and pesto. Then I went and put in a load of laundry. JT has went home for the night, so we have the afternoon off, but Ellie will be going to the vet to have the healed hot spot area checked as well as the spot on the top of her head that are probably nothing, but with the other dogs in class showing scabs and fever we would rather be safe than sorry. Had park time, she did nothing but want to sunbathe, and now she's at the vets and I miss her so very much. I find as things move along how much the last 7, 8 months have effected me. I left an abusive marriage, and in doing so litterally lost everything except 2 pairs of pants, a pair of shorts, a pair of sneakers, and a couple t-shirts, and a backpack and my phone. I've been slowly trying to rebuild, but living on a fixed income that's been fun, so I don't have basic things like dog bowls, or hair ties, or another pair of shoes, etc. When I get home it'll be all about getting stuff for my new apartment. She got back from the vets with a clean bill of health, and we played for a bit, then finished up laundry, listened to some music, called the girls, called to check on Noah. Now we're just hanging out til feed water park time. Fed, watered, parked, she did both. Also got to talk to Ms. Arnold for a bit which was super nice. Dinner was pizza, pasta salad, coke, and peach pie. Now I have free time until water park.